Sell on Amazon for beginners

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If you want to sell on Amazon, however don’t know where to begin? This is for you.
To help other people who need to begin selling on Amazon, I’ve recorded a well ordered procedure I took to offer my first things through Amazon FBA.

What is Amazon FBA and why would it be a good idea for me to use it?

Supposing you’ve ever purchased a thing off Amazon, you’re most likely acquainted with their free 2 day dispatching through Amazon Prime. It’s one of the fundamental reasons individuals shop on Amazon.
Wouldn’t it be incredible in the event that you could offer free 2 day sending on the things you offer? Uplifting news, you can!

That is the reason you utilize Amazon FBA. With Amazon FBA, you basically transport your things to an Amazon distribution center and they deal with the rest for you. So on the off chance that you deliver them one box with 25 things you need to offer, Amazon will pick package and ship each of those things for you as they get sold.

You simply need make small efforts, and after that you can journey to benefits.

Here’s my lonely home screen.

Step by step instructions to sell on Amazon for Beginners Using FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon)

In this guide, I’ll take you through the whole procedure of offering items for sale on Amazon.

Step 1: How to Create an Amazon Seller Account

To start with, you have to make an Amazon Seller account.
The main question you’re asked is, “Do I need a Professional or Individual account?” The answer is straightforward: in case will offer more than 40 things a month, utilize a Professional account; generally, select an Individual record. Why is 40 things the cutoff point? Amazon will charge you $1 per thing when offering on an Individual account. So in case will offer 40 things a month, you should pay for the $40 a month Professional account.
When you pick your account type sort, you’ll be asked to login or make an Amazon account utilizing your favored email. From that point on you should give:
• Charge Method
• seller Information
• Character Verification
Your charge system is clearly a Mastercard. It won’t be charged immediately, so don’t stress over that yet.

For your vender data, you’ll have to give your name and address, and additionally a “display name”. This will be the name purchasers see alongside the thing you’re offering. It can be anything you need, however recollect, it’s open.
Next, you should confirm your identity through a telephone call or instant message.
Your account is now made! Presently, you ought to be welcomed with a home screen that looks kind of void.

Step 2: How to List Your Items on Amazon

When you have your account, you have to list the things you need to offer.
For a few people, we might avoid an essential stride – picking what things to offer. However for this instructional exercise, we will accept you’ve officially done this. In the event that don’t know what to offer in the first place, basically discover a few things around your home you need to dispose of .

To include your first item, you need to go to “inventory” in the highest point of your screen and select “add Product”.
Adding Your First Product on Amazon
Here’s the place you will discover the “add Product” button.
When you click “add Product” you will be prompted to look for your item. You can search by standardized tag, or item name. Unless you’re offering a thing you’ve fabricated, you shouldn’t have to make another item.
When you select your item, you’ll be taken to a screen to enter critical item data. There are three primary things you have to enter.
The value you need to offer your stuff for
What condition your stuff is in
Whether you need Amazon to send the thing or you need to ship it yourself

For costing, you pick what you feel good selling your stuff at. One great technique is to hunt down the stuff on Amazon, look up the used stuff that were qualified for free shipping, and valued my stuff marginally lower than the most reduced cost accessible.
For the condition, be as sincere and distinct as you can. All you are required to enter for the condition is a choice of “acceptable”, “Good”, and so on. In any case you’ll be significantly more prone to sell if you offer an extra description. Is your item missing the instruction manual, yet has the cover? Say it. Is the book a library book you purchased? Specify it.
Try not to list a thing at a superior condition than it is. You won’t escape with it. On the off chance that a client expects a “like-new” book, however gets one with tears and highlighting, they will ask for a refund. Doing this can bring about negative reviews, which will make it hard for you to sell later on.
Finally, you need to ensure you select “I want Amazon to ship and provide customer service for my items if they sell”. This is basically the “I need to use FBA option”.
Supposing you made a point to choose the specified check box, and this is your first time offering on Amazon utilizing FBA, Amazon will send you to an enrollment screen. Just read and acknowledge the terms of service here.

Step 3: How to Convert Your Items to Fulfillment by Amazon Items

You are probably thinking “Why do I have to change over my stuff to FBA stuff when I already chose them to be satisfied by Amazon?”. I’m not certain either, it’s a bit of befuddling.

That being stated, regardless you have to change over your things to FBA things. To do this, go to “inventory” and select “manage Inventory”. From here you’ll need to choose the “Actions” drop down and select “Change to Fulfilled by Amazon”.

How to change your things to FBA things
Select “Change to Fulfilled by Amazon” the third choice from the top.
When you change your stock to Fulfilled by Amazon, you’ll be requested to give some information about two choices:
FBA Label Service
Stickerless, Commingled Inventory

In case you’re offering new things, you can utilize stickerless, commingled inventory. This implies Amazon will coexist your stock with other merchants’ matching units. If somebody orders from you, Amazon may transport a matching unit that is really from another merchant, but is in stockroom nearer to the client. This permits Amazon to ship things quicker for better client benefit.
When you select your choices, you’ll be asked to either “Convert Only” or “convert and Send Inventory”. In case you’re just offering one thing, simply go ahead and select “Convert and Send Inventory”. If not, select “Convert Only” so we can include more things before we set up delivery.
Your stuff ought to now show up in your “Amazon-Fulfilled Inventory” under “Manage FBA Inventory”.

Step 4: How To Create an Amazon FBA Shipping Plan

Supposing you chose “Convert and Send Inventory” or if you have recently included your second thing, you will be asked to make a delivery arrangement. For this you’ll require your Ship from address (in all probability your home address) and you’re packing type.
There are two packing types: “Individual products” and “Case-packed product”. In all probability you’ll be selecting “Individual products”. Just select “Case-packed products” in case you’re sending a container with all the same kind of thing in it. For instance, a crate of 20 Anchorman DVDs.

When you set up a delivery plan, you will be asked to include your things. Assuming this is the second thing you’ve included, you ought to see two things. Select both.
Once you’ve made a shipping plan, you can include every one of the things you wish to sell. Basically go through a similar procedure you used for the initial two things, nonetheless, when you get to the end select “Add to an existing shipping plan” as opposed to “create a new shipping plan”.

Step 5: How to Ship Your Products to Amazon for FBA

Since you have every one of your things in your transportation plan, it’s a great opportunity to at long last ship your things. To do this go to “inventory” – > “Manage FBA Shipments” and after that click “continue with shipping plan”.
From here enter the number of units of everything you’re sending. At that point if your thing requires prep (most don’t) select whether you or Amazon will prep them. Finally, select whether you or Amazon will tag the item.
When you approve your shipment, you can buy shipping from Amazon. You simply need to know how much your bundle weighs. You can either put it on a washroom scale, or simply evaluate based on the things inside the bundle.
When you print out your tags, stick them on your bundle and they’re prepared to mail! Simply drop them off at your neighborhood UPS.

Step 6: How to Sell Your First Item on Amazon

This is the simple part. When you transport your bundle off to Amazon and they get it, your things will be accessible for procurement. You just relax and sit tight for your things to be sold.